
Knowledge Exchange and Innovation

I provide technical and training services on Secure Software Engineering to a variety of organisations ranging from SMEs to blue chips as well as Government funded organisations in charge of Critical National Infrastructure. The details of many of these engagements are under embargo but a key achievement has been advising a deep tech SME from inception through to series A funding. If you are an organisation seeking such advisory, consulting or training services, please see my contact page on how we can connect. 


My research has been funded through the following projects. I am grateful to the funders for their contribution.

FunderRoleYear(s)ProjectAmount (£)
EPSRCPI22-25MUSE: Multi-Modal Software Evolution421K
TurinTechPI21-24PhD Studentship62K
TurinTechPI21-Research Grant10K
EPSRCCo-I21-24Verifiably Correct Swarm Attestation514K
UK GovernmentCo-I19-21Confidential200K
UK GovernmentPI20Summer Internship Project3K
Univ. of SurreyPI20Travel Grant1K
Univ. of SurreyPI19-22PhD Studentship60K
UCLPI18Travel Grant3K
Univ. of HertfordshirePI11Travel Grant6K
Overview of Research Funding